Nimble – a concept of using augmented reality in library

Nimble – Augmented Reality book-based library from Sures Kumar TS on Vimeo.

Nimble is a concept by Google engineer Sures Kumar; it is based on using augmented reality in libraries, such as a digital library card that navigates you to the desk, or a mixed-reality library desk which interacts with books and journals that you place on it and acts like an ebook.

As Kumar explains on his website, “Nimble shows what a mixed touch, digital, projection, and book-based library might look like. This is relevant because people still like the tactile feel of books and other printed media and they also like to browse. The project also allows to collect and sort out notes and highlights from the books you are reading.

Rather than trying to find a book with the Dewey decimal system, you can navigate spatially and orient yourself in the direction of your search using the digital search compass.”

Armen Petrosyan, LIS653-01

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by Hugh McLeod

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